Unleash your inner mountain biker

31 Change it up: Fitness and Mountain Biking

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The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind.

 After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

 I Kings 19:11-12 NIV

There has been dialogue about the importance of staying fit, and questions about what being fit means exactly.  Being fit is not necessarily defined as being able to run a marathon, do a century ride, or competing in USA Weightlifting.  A trainer once told me that fitness is being able to do several kinds of activities; working out at different stations at the gym, building your health blocks with variation, and changing up your sports routine once in a while.  Even with mountain biking, it’s good to take a break from your riding routine, and intersperse it with other activities and workout modes. Add snowboarding, snowshoeing, or skiing in winter; or even spinning on a long paved road.  Go quad-running, or surfing, paddle boarding during spring break or on a summer weekend.  Enjoy a hike or walk.  Depending on where you live, you can vary your workouts. In the Northwest, where I now live, people enjoy kayaking, trail running in *Forest Park, rock-climbing or hiking around *Smith Park , or on the many trails offered here. I had a friend who loved Ultimate Frisbee, but trained for, and competed in the *Warrior Dash Oregon. What an inspiration!

The danger with any sport is getting into a rut.  Being stuck and not able to enjoy what you are doing is no fun, and actually bad for your health. Our muscles need a change of routine to spark growth. When it comes down to it, you’ll be glad you took a break, and you’ll have a bigger smile the next time you hit the trail on your bike.

God, sometimes I look for you in familiar places. You never change, but you do bring me to places in my walk when there is a need for adjustment, modification, and at times, extreme change. Open my eyes to my needs, and give me strength to do what is needed.  

Challenge 31: Today, adjust your routine in some small way.  Talk a walk, call a friend, go rock climbing, or hike to the top of that mountain instead of riding it—or read a book! You’ll see how much good an incremental change will do you, and those around you.  

*Forest Park is part of the Washington Park forest system, OR. 

*Smith Rock State Park, OR. 

*The Warrior Dash is an obstacle race series, held in various parts of the US.