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9 Riding in the Rain
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Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth. Genesis 9:16 NIV
The effects of a distant hurricane had clouded the blue skies of Arizona’s Sonoran desert and filled the celeste with whirling winds. I rode home in a misty drizzle. It was warm out, and there was no threat of lightning. The ride was one of sentiment and gratitude. I had somehow realized that my riding days would not always be as sweet. My thoughts went to days gone by when I had played in the rain and danced in the sun. I knew I wouldn’t have many more chances to feel monsoon rains kiss my face and the wind tease my hair as it was on this day.
Riding in the Arizona rain can bring such a variety of trail conditions. Dry creek beds can turn into rushing streams with boulders covered by water. I remember riding dry for several miles, and getting drenched by a ‘’fly-by’’ rainstorm, and still arrive home as dry as a bone. Ah, yes—riding in the Arizona rain adds freshness to the air, a rich smell to the once cracked, dry desert floor, and rainbows to brighten the view.
It’s true; I haven’t ridden in the Arizona rain for many years now, but, if I close my eyes and take a deep breath, I can still smell the wet desert, and hear the chirping of the Cactus Wren.
The sound of rain falling all around me, and its sting on my face reminds me of the grace and mercy that comes with the rainbow.
Father, cause me to sense your presence, in my downpours and in my deserts. I look to you for everything…and I will never take for granted the good times you bring my way. Thank you.
Challenge 9: Ride in the rain, breath in the freshness called Spring. If it’s a winter rain you are caught in, allow its crisp beaconing drive you home, as your heart races and your legs feel the sting of the cold. Let your tires drive the puddles to the side, and listen as you spin with nature. You’ll have plenty of time to sit in the house, with clean, dry clothes on. For now, ride in the rain, and breathe in its exhilaration
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